Local news- Press Release
 City of Minnetonka Minnesota - Meet  the new councilmembers  01 January 2100 ( news )

City of Minnetonka Minnesota - Meet the new councilmembers 01 January 2100 ( news )

City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota
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   Two new councilmembers join the Minnetonka City Council this month .  
   Patsy Foster - Bolton , Ward 1
   Patsy Foster - Boltonand her husband raised two sons in Minnetonka . She is the manager of the employee fitness program at Methodist Hospital .
   While she’s lived in Minnetonka for 30 years , she’s been an active community organizer recently on issues related to affordable housing , clean air and a multi - racial democracy with a caring economy for all .
   “Because of the organizing , I have a deep understanding of the issues facing this city , ” she said .
   A distance runner , Foster - Bolton is also passionate about the city’s parks and nature trails . She says these important assets define what is great about Minnetonka , alongside its shops and local businesses , and what she hopes to preserve for others .
   “I am looking forward to working with both the city staff and the city councilmembers , ” Foster - Bolton said . “I feel I have a great deal to learn from them , and I’m excited to have this opportunity to serve in this amazing city . ”
   Paula Ramaley , Ward 3
   Paula Ramaley
   ’s roots dig deep in Minnetonka . “My family has lived in the Minnetonka/Wayzata community for five generations . I’m deeply connected to our community’s past and care just as deeply about its present and future , ” she said .
   With a master’s degree in Russian history , Ramaley has more than 20 years of experience working in the fields of international education and culture . She’s an active volunteer with several non - profit organizations that promote diplomacy , bridge partisan political divides and strengthen communities .
   Ramaley and her husband raised two children in Minnetonka . In her free time , she enjoys sailing , reading and sustainable gardening .
   As a councilmember , she has a particular interest in the areas of sustainability , affordability and smart development .
   “I want to do my part to help ensure Minnetonka is a vibrant , sustainable and safe community for generations to come , ” she said . “I’m excited and look forward to this opportunity to serve and give back to our community . ”
   Councilmembers to be sworn into office
   Foster - Bolton and Ramaley will be sworn in at the Jan . 8 council meeting alongside incumbents
   Rebecca Schack ( Ward 2 ) and
   Kissy Coakley ( Ward 4 )
    . All four councilmembers were elected in the November 2023 municipal election and begin serving four - year terms .


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Keywords and search queries from search engines related to the press release :
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Minnetonka ; Minnesota ; councilmembers ; January ; Council ; month ; Patsy ; Foster ; Bolton ; Boltonand ;
councilmembers ; sustainability ; understanding ; international ; organizations ; councilmember ; affordability ; opportunity ; generations ; community’s ;
Boltonand Bolton Foster Patsy month Council January councilmembers Minnesota Minnetonka
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City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

City of Minnetonka Minnesota : Meet the new councilmembers

City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

Two new councilmembers join the Minnetonka City Council this month .   Patsy Foster - Bolton , Ward 1 Patsy Foster - Boltonand her husband raised two sons in Minnetonka . She is the manager of the employee fitness program at Methodist Hospital . [ . . . ]

City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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City of Minnetonka
Local news- Press Release

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City of Minnetonka , state Minnesota

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Minnetonka . Minnesota . councilmembers . January . Council . month . Patsy . Foster . Bolton . Boltonand .
councilmembers . sustainability . understanding . international . organizations . councilmember . affordability . opportunity . generations . community’s .
Minnetonka ; Minnesota ; councilmembers ; January ; Council ; month ; Patsy ; Foster ; Bolton ; Boltonand ;
councilmembers ; sustainability ; understanding ; international ; organizations ; councilmember ; affordability ; opportunity ; generations ; community’s ;
Boltonand Bolton Foster Patsy month Council January councilmembers Minnesota Minnetonka
community’s generations opportunity affordability councilmember organizations international understanding sustainability councilmembers