Local news- Press Release
Prince George County Virginia - Connection of the Central Water System to Beechwood Manor Chappell Creek Eagle Preserve and Jordan on the James Neighborhoods 12 February 2024 ( news )
Prince George County , state Virginia ( By Press Release office)
Feb 12,2024
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Connection of the Central Water System to Beechwood Manor , Chappell Creek , Eagle Preserve and Jordan on the James Neighborhoods
For immediate release:
February 2 , 2024
For additional information , contact:
Jackie Lipford , Public Information Officer
( 804 ) 722 - 8607
jnlipford@princegeorgecountyva . gov
Connection of the Central Water System to Beechwood Manor , Chappell Creek ,
Eagle Preserve and Jordan on the James Neighborhoods
Prince George County Utilities has completed the new waterline extension of the Central Water System along Sandy Ridge Road , Ruffin Road , Route 10 ( James River Drive ) , Jordan Point Road , and Beaver Castle Road . The County is now prepared to connect the neighborhoods of Beechwood Manor , Jordan on the James , Eagle Preserve , and Chappell Creek to the Central Water System . The Central Water System is served by the Appomattox River Water Authority ( ARWA ) . This connection allows the County to decommission the existing community well system that currently serves these customers .
Upon connection , the County will systematically flush all water lines in these neighborhoods to ensure all well water in system has been removed and replaced with water served by ARWA . The County will be testing the water throughout the system to ensure the water has been replaced .
Water should not be consumed during this transition period
. It is safe to shower , and wash dishes and clothes . Customers will be instructed to run the water at their homes for at least five ( 5 ) minutes to remove water from their service lines and taps within their homes .
Prince George County will alert residents via the County Website , Facebook page , and Twitter ( X ) feed when the connection is made to the Central Water System and when customers are requested to run water within their homes .
Chappell Creek & Beechwood Manor – flushing activities will occur on Tuesday , February 13 . Flushing will begin no earlier than 9:00 AM . All activities are anticipated to be completed by 4:00 PM .
Eagle Preserve & Jordan on the James – flushing activities will occur on Wednesday , February 14 . Flushing will begin no earlier than 9:00 AM . All activities are anticipated to be completed by 4:00 PM .
Frequently Asked Questions
1 . Will there be any impacts to customer service?
There could be a drop in pressure during flushing activities . Only 9 customers along Beaver Castle will experience a complete disruption of service , which will occur on Monday , February 12 . These residents will be notified accordingly .
2 . Will there be a difference in water quality?
Customers may notice a difference in taste and smell due to the different methods of disinfection of the water . The well water was disinfected using free chlorine . Water from ARWA is disinfected using chloramines . For more information about chloramines and disinfection of drinking water please visit the following EPA website:
https://www . epa . gov/dwreginfo/basic - information - about - chloramines - and - drinking - water - disinfection#:~:text=Chloramines%20are%20disinfectants%20used%20to , moves%20through%20pipes%20to%20consumers
3 . What actions should I take if I am a fish owner?
Dechlorination may differ , consult your local pet store regarding potential measures to take if you use public water for your aquarium .
4 . Where Can I find the Consumer Confidence Report?
The most recent ( 2022 ) consumer confidence report for the new water source is located on the County’s Website at the following link:
https://cms1files . revize . com/princegeorgeva/2022%20Puddledock%20Road%20CCR%20Final%20PDF . pdf
Please contact the Utilities Department should you have any questions or require additional information at
( 804 ) 722 - 8706
* May be useful for visually impaired persons .
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