Local news- Press Release
 City Of Taneytown Maryland - Request For Proposals For Position of City Attorney  RFP   10 January 2024 ( news )

City Of Taneytown Maryland - Request For Proposals For Position of City Attorney RFP 10 January 2024 ( news )

City Of Taneytown , state Maryland
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   Request For Proposals For Position of City Attorney ( RFP )
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   > Request For Proposals For Position of City Attorney ( RFP )

   The City of Taneytown , Maryland ( “City” ) requests sealed bid proposals from qualified attorneys for 
   the position of City Attorney .  
   Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope containing the bidder ' s name and address , in accordance 
   with the requirements specified in the RFP . Submissions should be marked "Request for Proposals 
   for Position of City Attorney” and addressed to City of Taneytown - Attention City Manager; 17 E 
   Baltimore Street; Taneytown , MD 20740 , no later than January 31 , 2024 at 3 pm , at which time the 
   sealed bids will be opened and read publicly .  
   The City of Taneytown is an Equal Opportunity Employer . Discrimination based on race , religion ,  
   sex , age , ethnicity , ancestry or national origin , physical or mental disability , color , marital status ,  
   sexual orientation , gender identity , genetic information , political affiliation or any other factors not 
   related to the ability to perform the work is expressly prohibited .  
   The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals when determined to be in its best interest .  
   The contact person for this solicitation is James Wieprecht , City Manager , ( telephone
   410 - 751 - 1100
   e - mail:
   jawieprecht@taneytownmd . gov
   CITY OF TANEYTOWN , MARYLAND Request for Proposals - Position of City Attorney
   The City of Taneytown , Maryland ( “City” ) , requests proposals from attorneys qualified to practice 
   before the Supreme Court of Maryland for the position of City Attorney .  
   The City was incorporated in 1837 and is in Northwestern Carroll County . The City has a population 
   of approximately 8 , 200 and encompasses roughly 3 . 25 square miles . The City’s population has 
   steadily grown over the past several years . The governing body is composed of a Mayor and five 
   Council members , all elected at large . City elections are held in May of odd - numbered years . The 
   Mayor and Council serve part - time and are compensated .  
   The City Attorney plays a large part in all legal matters or issues within the City . The City Attorney 
   is the legal advisor to the City and performs the duties as may be required by the Mayor and Council .  
   The City Attorney also advises the City Manager and City Department Heads . Compensation is 
   determined by the Mayor and Council . The City Attorney reports directly to the Mayor and Council .
   More information about the City and its departments can be found at
   www . taneytownmd . gov .
   The City requests proposals from qualified attorneys and legal firms for City Attorney legal services 
   in accordance with the Scope of Work specified in this Requests for Proposals ( RFP ) . An award will 
   be made to the attorney/firm that demonstrates experience and expertise in legal representation of 
   municipal/public sector clients , and that proposes reasonable fees and otherwise meets the 
   requirements of this RFP .  
   All materials submitted in response to this Request for Proposals will become the property of the 
   City of Taneytown . Submissions should be marked City Attorney Proposal and delivered to 17 East 
   Baltimore St Taneytown , MD 21787 no later than Monday , January 16 , 2024 , at 4:00 p . m . The 
   response to this Request for Proposals shall include: 
   1 . Letter of Transmittal on the attorney/firm’s letterhead signed by the person or persons required to 
   legally bind the bidder to the proposal .  
   2 . A statement of qualifications , to include a list of other governmental entities for which the 
   attorney/firm is performing or has performed legal services . Provide individual resumes for the 
   attorney ( s ) who would perform the City’s legal work . Demonstrate the depth of experience and 
   personnel capacity necessary to competently handle the City’s legal work .  
   3 . Five references , including the name and telephone number of a contact person .  
   Bidders may be requested to attend a meeting of the Mayor and Council for an interview .  
   The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer . Discrimination based on race , religion , sex , age ,  
   ethnicity , ancestry or national origin , physical or mental disability , color , marital status , sexual 
   orientation , gender identity , genetic information , political affiliation or any other factors not related 
   to the ability to perform the work is expressly prohibited .  
   In submitting this bid , the Bidder certifies that it does not discriminate on the basis of race , religion ,  
   sex , age , ethnicity , ancestry or national origin , physical or mental disability , color , marital status ,  
   sexual orientation , gender identity , genetic information , political affiliation or any other factors not 
   related to the ability to perform the work .  
   This RFP may be sent as a courtesy to known interested firms . The receipt of this RFP from the City 
   of Taneytown in no way implies that the recipient is a qualified bidder .  
   All questions about the meanings or intent , discrepancies or omissions in this RFP shall be submitted 
   in writing to James Wieprecht , City manager , telephone 410 - 751 - 1100 , e - mail 
   jawieprecht@taneytownmd . gov .  
   The right is reserved , as the interests of the City may require , to revise or amend proposal 
   specifications prior to the date set for opening bids and/or to postpone the date set for opening bids .  
   Such revisions , amendments and/or postponements will be posted on the City’s website as an 
   addendum . It is the responsibility of the Bidder to check the City’s website to determine if any 
   addenda have been issued .  
   The City of Taneytown , Maryland is seeking a well - rounded , innovative , strategic , and responsive 
   attorney qualified to practice before the Supreme Court of Maryland to provide general legal counsel to 
   a full - service municipality .  
   The City Attorney is responsible for a broad range of legal services , including litigation , contracts ,  
   real estate , land use/zoning , employment , elections , civil rights , rights of way , cable and broadband 
   and administrative law . The position requires the interpretation and application of laws affecting the 
   City , drafting of legislation and the preparation of legal documents and legal opinions .  
   The City Attorney reports directly to the Mayor and City Council and works closely with the City 
   Manager .  
   The City Attorney’s duties include but are not limited to the following: 
    • Attendance at City Council meetings and work sessions as requested and at any other City
   board , commission or committee meeting as required by City . Attendance at every City 
   Council meeting is required unless excused .
   • Drafting of ordinances , charter amendments , resolutions , agreements , and correspondence 
   as requested , including assistance in maintenance of the City Code .
   • Meetings and/or communications with and advising Mayor , Council , City Manager , and 
   City staff on general legal matters .  
   • Drafting and/or review of a broad range of municipal contracts , works in cooperation with 
   the City’s Contract and Procurement Specialist .  
   • Drafting and/or review of documentation related to personnel matters .  
   • Support for Council‐appointed bodies such as the Board of Appeals , Ethics Commission ,  
   Planning Commission and advisory boards .  
   • Representation of the City in acquisition and sale of property matters for public 
   improvements , easements , parks , and the like .  
   • Research and submission of legal opinions on municipal or other legal matters requested by 
   City staff or City Manager and availability to answer staff questions by telephone or email .  
   • Provision of written status reports on current litigation and unresolved matters as requested .  
   • Written updates on new County , State or Federal legislation or judicial decisions impacting 
   the municipality and suggested actions or changes in operations or procedures to assure compliance .  
   • Legal work pertaining to land use issues including property disposals , public improvements ,  
   easements , dedications and rights‐of‐way and property vacations .  
   • Advice on municipal codes , zoning regulations and building standards .  
   • Defending the City in litigation , acts as liaison in those cases where insurance companies 
   are required to exclusively provide defense , or where the City chooses to hire specialized or other 
   legal services .  
   • Working cooperatively with insurance companies as needed on litigation cases and other 
   matters .  
   • Reviewing bonds , deeds , securities and insurance requirements required by or for the City 
   contracts and activities .  
   • Review franchise agreements with cable and telecommunications companies; provide legal 
   work and advice related to telecommunications .  
   • Conduct legal training for staff and elected officials .
   • Working on any other ad hoc legal services needed .  
   • Represents the City before the Carroll County Board of Commissioners , Planning 
   Commission , and other administrative agencies .  
   Minimum Requirements
   • Graduation from an accredited school of recognized standing with a juris doctorate
   • Minimum of ten ( 10 ) years of progressively responsible experience in the practice of law .
   • Five ( 5 ) or more years of active legal experience in the practice of municipal law .
   • Licensed to practice law before the Supreme Court in the State of Maryland and must have 
   the ability to maintain membership as a condition of continued employment .
   • Ability to work with officials and employees at all levels and with outside government 
   agencies and private interests .
   Bidders may bid only on the entire contract . The successful Bidder will be selected by the Mayor and 
   Council . The Mayor appoints department and agency heads , and the Council confirms such 
   appointments . In determining which proposal is best , the City will take into consideration the 
   specifics of the proposal , the bid price , and the experience , qualifications , references , responsibility ,  
   and currently available capacity of the Bidder to perform the work . The City reserves the right to 
   reject any or all proposals , and to exercise its sole discretion to best serve the interests of the City .  
   The City of Taneytown reserves the right to cancel the Award of the Contract at any time prior to 
   execution of the Contract without liability on the part of the City .  
   The Bidder to whom the contract has been awarded must execute a retainer agreement in 
   substantially the form attached within ten business days after the award and submit such other 
   Documents as required by the Contract Documents including bonds and insurance certificates .  
   Failure by the Consultant to execute the contract and submit such other documents as required by the 
   Contract Documents shall be just cause for annulment of the Award .  
   Failure to submit proof of qualifications , as required , is sufficient cause to reject a bid . Bidders may 
   be required to furnish additional information as proof of qualification subsequent to the opening of 
   bids .  
   Insurance and Indemnification 
   The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the City , its officers , agents , servants , and 
   employees , from all suits , actions , and damages or costs of every kind and description arising directly 
   or indirectly out of the performance of the contract , including attorneys’ fees , whether caused by 
   actions or omissions on the part of the Consultant , its agents , servants and employees , or to other 
   causes .  
   The successful bidder will be required to purchase and maintain during the entire term of this 
   Agreement comprehensive general liability insurance , including cyber insurance , automobile 
   insurance , professional errors and omissions insurance , and workers’ compensation insurance with 
   limits of not less than those set forth below .  
   Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: 
   Personal injury and property damage liability insurance with a single limit of $2 , 000 , 000 each 
   occurrence/aggregate; 14 
   All insurance shall include completed operations and contractual liability coverage .  
   Automobile Liability Coverage: Automobile insurance $1 , 000 , 000 for each occurrence/ aggregate; 
   property damage - $500 , 000 for each occurrence/aggregate . )  
   Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Consultant shall comply with the requirements and benefits 
   established by the State of Maryland for the provision of Workers’ Compensation insurance .  
   Consultant shall provide workers’ compensation insurance meeting the statutory limits for Maryland 
   and Employers’ Liability limits of $500 , 000 . All corporations are required to provide Workers’ 
   Compensation Certificates of Insurance .  
   Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance: The Consultant shall maintain a policy with limits of 
   not less than $1 , 000 , 000 each occurrence/aggregate , to include cyber liability/data breach coverage .  
   The City shall be named as an additional insured on the Comprehensive General Liability Insurance 
   and the Automobile Insurance . The Consultant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance with 
   additional insured endorsement to the City within ten business days after the award of the contract 
   and in any event prior to beginning work . The Certificate shall be in a form acceptable to the City .  
   Required Certification 
   By submitting a bid , the Bidder certifies: 
   1 . Current compliance with the conditions of § 69 - 6 “Equal Benefits” of the City Code , by providing 
   equality of benefits between employees with spouses and/or dependents of spouses and employees 
   with domestic partners and/or dependents of domestic partners , and/or between spouses of employees 
   and/or dependents of spouses and domestic partners of employees and/or dependents of domestic 
   partners; or 
   2 . Compliance with the conditions of § 69 - 6 at time of contract award; or 
   3 . Compliance with the conditions of § 69 - 6 is not required because of allowable exemption; and 
   4 . That the Bidder does not discriminate on the basis of race , religion , sex , age , ethnicity , ancestry or 
   national origin , physical or mental disability , color , marital status , sexual orientation , gender identity ,  
   genetic information , political affiliation or any other factors not related to the ability to perform the 
   work .



* May be useful for visually impaired persons .

Press release information :
Direct link to press release: Click here .

Keywords and search queries from search engines related to the press release :
legal . ability . Attorney . Taneytown . Maryland . Request . Proposals . Position . January . “City” .
telecommunications . Council‐appointed . INTERPRETATIONS . Indemnification . Discrimination . representation . qualifications . specifications . responsibility . administrative .
legal ; ability ; Attorney ; Taneytown ; Maryland ; Request ; Proposals ; Position ; January ; “City” ;
telecommunications ; Council‐appointed ; INTERPRETATIONS ; Indemnification ; Discrimination ; representation ; qualifications ; specifications ; responsibility ; administrative ;
“City” January Position Proposals Request Maryland Taneytown Attorney ability legal
administrative responsibility specifications qualifications representation Discrimination Indemnification INTERPRETATIONS Council‐appointed telecommunications

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City Of Taneytown
Local news- Press Release

City Of Taneytown Maryland : Request For Proposals For Position of City Attorney RFP

City Of Taneytown , state Maryland

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legal . ability . Attorney . Taneytown . Maryland . Request . Proposals . Position . January . “City” .
telecommunications . Council‐appointed . INTERPRETATIONS . Indemnification . Discrimination . representation . qualifications . specifications . responsibility . administrative .
legal ; ability ; Attorney ; Taneytown ; Maryland ; Request ; Proposals ; Position ; January ; “City” ;
telecommunications ; Council‐appointed ; INTERPRETATIONS ; Indemnification ; Discrimination ; representation ; qualifications ; specifications ; responsibility ; administrative ;
“City” January Position Proposals Request Maryland Taneytown Attorney ability legal
administrative responsibility specifications qualifications representation Discrimination Indemnification INTERPRETATIONS Council‐appointed telecommunications