Local news- Press Release
 City Of Taneytown Maryland - Impending Winter Weather Message  06 January 2024 ( news )

City Of Taneytown Maryland - Impending Winter Weather Message 06 January 2024 ( news )

City Of Taneytown , state Maryland
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   Impending Winter Weather Message
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   > Impending Winter Weather Message

   Taneytown residents ,
   Due to the forecast for this weekend , here is a friendly reminder of our snow removal operations for the city .
   During a snow event , the priority for streets will be those that carry the heaviest traffic . State Highway crews are responsible for York , Frederick , East and West Baltimore Streets . City crews will initially plow or salt the main arteries followed by side streets , courts , and alleys . Please be advised that if you shovel snow from your driveway or parking area and your street has not been plowed , snow will be pushed back to the curb when plowing occurs . Depending on snowfall , it may be necessary to plow streets more than once . Do not push or blow snow back into the street . Please do not approach snowplow operators while they are removing snow from City streets . Contact the Public Works Director at the City Office with any concerns or complaints you may have . Citizens are asked to assist City crews by parking vehicles in their driveways and not on the street; this facilitates much more efficient snow removal and provides you with a wider plowed street . Citizens in cul - de - sacs must park vehicles in their driveway to avoid having snow pushed and piled up around vehicle . Also , vehicles in cul - de - sacs should never park vertically to the curb .
   Thank you in advance for your cooperation during these events
   Kevin L . Smeak
   Director of Public Works
   City of Taneytown



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City Of Taneytown
Local news- Press Release

City Of Taneytown Maryland : Impending Winter Weather Message

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Frederick residents Impending Taneytown vertically complaints operations cooperation facilitates responsible