Local news- Press Release
 San Diego County Sheriff California - Super Bowl DUI Patrols  09 February 2024 ( news )

San Diego County Sheriff California - Super Bowl DUI Patrols 09 February 2024 ( news )

San Diego County Sheriff , state California
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   Deputies with the San Diego County Sheriff ' s Department will be keeping our roadways safe this Super Bowl Sunday by looking for impaired drivers .
   Look for increased impaired driving patrols beginning on Sunday , February 11 at 3:00 p . m . and lasting through 5:00 a . m . the following day .  
   In 2023 , 6 , 671 people were arrested for impaired driving by law enforcement agencies in San Diego County . The Sheriff ' s Department made 1 , 090 of those arrests . During Super Bowl Sunday 2023 , 33 people were arrested for impaired driving countywide . Three of those arrests were made by Sheriff ' s Deputies .
   The Sheriff ' s Department has these tips for a safe Super Bowl Sunday:
   • Plan a safe way home before the game begins
   • Before drinking , designate a sober driver and leave your car keys at home
   • If you ' re impaired , use a taxi , ride sharing service , call a sober friend or family member or use public transportation
   • If you see an impaired driver on the road , call 9 - 1 - 1 immediately
   A reminder: DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze .   Prescription medications , over - the - counter drugs and marijuana can also impair , especially in combination with alcohol and other drugs .
   Watch our video on the high price of impaired driving by clicking on the above photo or 
   this link
    .   An impaired driving arrest and conviction can cost more than $15 , 000 in legal and court fees .
   Funding for the Super Bowl impaired driving enforcement program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety ( OTS ) through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) .
   Patrullas de DUI del Super Bowl
   Oficiales realizando más patrullas el domingo del Super Bowl .
   Los oficiales del Departamento del Alguacil del Condado de San Diego mantendrán nuestras carreteras seguras este domingo del Super Bowl buscando conductores ebrios .
   Esté atento a un aumento de patrullas por conductores en estado de ebriedad a partir del Domingo 11 de Febrero a las 3:00 p . m . y dura hasta las 5:00 a . m . del día siguiente .
   En 2023 , las agencias policiales arrestaron a 6 , 671 personas por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol en el Condado de San Diego . El Departamento del Alguacil realizó 1 , 090 de esos arrestos . Durante el Domingo del Super Bowl de 2023 , 33 personas fueron arrestadas por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol en todo el condado . Tres de esos arrestos fueron realizados por oficiales del Alguacil .
   El Departamento del Alguacil tiene estos consejos para un domingo de Super Bowl seguro:
   Planifique un camino seguro a casa antes de que comience el juego
   Antes de beber , designe un conductor sobrio y deje las llaves de su auto en casa
   Si está incapacitado , use un taxi , un servicio de viajes compartidos , llame a un amigo o familiar sobrio o use el transporte público
   Si ve a un conductor ebrio en la carretera , llame al 9 - 1 - 1 inmediatamente
   Un recordatorio: DUI no solo significa alcohol . Los medicamentos recetados , los medicamentos de venta libre y la marihuana también pueden afectar , especialmente en combinación con el alcohol y otras drogas .
   Mire nuestro video sobre el alto precio de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol haciendo clic 
    . Un arresto y una condena por conducir en estado de ebriedad pueden costar más de $15 , 000 en honorarios legales y judiciales .
   Los fondos para el programa de cumplimiento de la conducción en estado de ebriedad del Super Bowl fueron proporcionados por una subvención de la Oficina de Seguridad del Tráfico de California ( OTS ) a través de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en las Carreteras ( NHTSA ) .


* May be useful for visually impaired persons .

Press release information :
Direct link to press release: Click here .

Keywords and search queries from search engines related to the press release :
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transportation . Administration . inmediatamente . proporcionados . Administración . recordatorio . especialmente . Prescription . Departamento . incapacitado .
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transportation ; Administration ; inmediatamente ; proporcionados ; Administración ; recordatorio ; especialmente ; Prescription ; Departamento ; incapacitado ;
keeping Department Deputies February Patrols California County Diego Sheriff Super
incapacitado Departamento Prescription especialmente recordatorio Administración proporcionados inmediatamente Administration transportation

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San Diego County Sheriff
Local news- Press Release

San Diego County Sheriff California : Super Bowl DUI Patrols

San Diego County Sheriff , state California

  Deputies with the San Diego County Sheriff ' s Department will be keeping our roadways safe this Super Bowl Sunday by looking for impaired drivers . Look for increased impaired driving patrols beginning on Sunday , February 11 at 3:00 p . [ . . . ]

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San Diego County Sheriff
Local news- Press Release

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San Diego County Sheriff , state California

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San Diego County Sheriff
Local news- Press Release

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San Diego County Sheriff , state California

On February 6 , 2024 , at approximately 3:10 p . m . , Lakeside patrol deputies were dispatched to the 9700 block of Cactus Street in Lakeside . They were responding to a call of gunshots heard and an unknown male lying in the street . [ . . . ]

San Diego County Sheriff
Local news- Press Release

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San Diego County Sheriff , state California

On February 4 , 2024 , around 12 p . m . , Sheriff ' s Homicide investigators were notified a 54 - year - old male in Sheriff ' s custody , passed away at the San Diego Central Jail . The male ' s name is not being released at this time because we are actively trying to locate and notify his family . [ . . . ]

San Diego County Sheriff
Local news- Press Release

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San Diego County Sheriff , state California

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Super . Sheriff . Diego . County . California . Patrols . February . Deputies . Department . keeping .
transportation . Administration . inmediatamente . proporcionados . Administración . recordatorio . especialmente . Prescription . Departamento . incapacitado .
Super ; Sheriff ; Diego ; County ; California ; Patrols ; February ; Deputies ; Department ; keeping ;
transportation ; Administration ; inmediatamente ; proporcionados ; Administración ; recordatorio ; especialmente ; Prescription ; Departamento ; incapacitado ;
keeping Department Deputies February Patrols California County Diego Sheriff Super
incapacitado Departamento Prescription especialmente recordatorio Administración proporcionados inmediatamente Administration transportation