Local news- Press Release
Durham North Carolina - Southside East Phases III IV Site Preparation Re Advertisement for Bids 03 January 2024 ( news )
Durham , state North Carolina ( By Press Release office)
Jan 03,2024
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Southside East Phase III/IV Site Preparation
McCormack Baron Salazar Development Inc . As Agent for City of Durham
Richard Valzonis
City of Durham
Community Development Department
516 Rigsbee Avenue
Durham , NC 27701
( 919 ) 560 - 4570 , ext . 22226
[email protected]
Date:January 3 , 2024
The City of Durham will open sealed formal Bids submitted by Bidders at
2:00 p . m . , Tuesday , January 23 , 2024 , for Project: Southside East Phases III/IV Site Preparation in the Community Development Department Conference Room , 516 Rigsbee Avenue , Durham NC .
The Project , bound by Roxboro , Piedmont and Memphis Streets in Durham , North Carolina , serves Phases III and IV of the future development of the Lofts at Southside consisting of approximately 5 acres and involves the installation of erosion , sedimentation controls , and site preparation .
The Project Manual including Addendum #1 , Bidding Documents , Contract Documents , and Technical Specifications , along with Drawings , may be viewed and downloaded , free of charge , from the City of Durham , Finance Department website under Purchasing:
http://durhamnc . gov/bids . aspx
. The bidder must acknowledge Addendum #1 on the outside of the bid package envelope .
City of Durham Standards , Specifications , and Standards Details may be downloaded at:
http://durhamnc . gov/3626
There is no Pre - Bid Conference for the re - advertisement of this bid . A Pre - Bid conference was held at 3:00 p . m . on Tuesday , November 14 , 2023 , for the first bid advertisement of the project; the Pre - Bid Meeting Attendance list is included in Addendum #1 .
Each Bidder must be licensed under Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes . The City Council of the City of Durham reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids . All Bids must include a non - collusion affidavit .
To ensure that all Bidders using the Purchasing Bid Page are kept up to date on any Addenda , changes , or information notices , please send an e - mail to
[email protected]indicating your intention to prepare a Bid for the Project . Failure to complete this step may render your Bid as non - responsive .
The City of Durham requires the Project to be completed in 120 calendar days from date of Notice to Proceed .
No Bid shall be considered or accepted unless at the time of its filing the same shall be accompanied by a deposit of cash or a certified or cashier ' s check drawn on a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , in an amount equal to five percent ( 5% ) of the amount of the Bid . The check shall be made payable to the City of Durham . Said deposit shall guarantee that the Contract will be entered into by the successful Bidder if the award is made . Such deposit of cash or certified or cashier ' s check may be held by the City until the successful Bidder has executed and delivered the Contract Documents , including performance and payment bond , to the City of Durham and returned or kept in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143 - 129 .
Refer to other Bidding requirements described in Document 00 21 15 and Document 00 31 00 .
In lieu of the cash deposit or certified or cashier’s check mentioned above , the Bidder may file a Bid bond in the same amount executed by a corporate surety authorized to execute such bonds in North Carolina and conditioned as provided by North Carolina General Statute 143‑129 and in the form attached to the Bidding Documents ( see Appendix F ) or on file with the Engineer . Bid bond forms enclosed as part of the Bidding Documents must be properly executed at the time Bids are submitted before Bid will be considered . Properly executed Power of Attorney of the corporate surety ' s agent shall accompany such bond and be attached to the page provided therefore in the Bidding Documents .
Bids shall be submitted under a condition of irrevocability , except as required by law , for a period of ninety ( 90 ) days after Bid opening .
The City of Durham reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids .
* May be useful for visually impaired persons .
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