Local news- Press Release
 Moscow Idaho - MPD Press Log 11 29 2023  29 November 2023 ( news )

Moscow Idaho - MPD Press Log 11 29 2023 29 November 2023 ( news )

Moscow , state Idaho
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   23 - M10612 Animal Noise Complaint
   Incident Address: 
   500 blk NORTHWOOD DR
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Ongoing issue with neighbor ' s dog barking . MPD responded , clear . No report .
   23 - M10613 Stolen Property
   Incident Address: 
   800 blk E 1ST ST
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Rp was traveling from London to Moscow Yesterday and his wallet was stolen .
   Needs a case number for documentation purposes . Officer contacted . No report .
   23 - M10615 Harassment
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Request to speak with officer about allegations of theft .  
   Officer responded . No report .
   23 - M10616 Utility Problem
   Incident Address: 
   400 blk E 8TH ST
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Drain at the duplex is backed up . Property management had drain pro on scene .
   Officer contacted . No report .
   23 - M10617 Controlled Substance Problem
   Incident Address: 
   1400 blk HAWTHORNE DR
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Officer requested case . No report .
   23 - M10618 Communications Problem
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Hang up , called back - male answered who said he was there to pay a bill and
   didn ' t mean to call 911 . No emergency . Officer responded . No report .
   23 - M10619 Structure Fire
   Incident Address: 
   W 6TH ST; Gambinos
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Disposition: CLO
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Law , fire , and EMS responded . No report . Smoke coming from heater vents . No report .
   23 - M10620 Suicidal Person
   Incident Address: 
   1000 blk S MAIN ST
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Complaint of suicidal female . Officer responded . No report .
   23 - M10621 Non - Injury Traffic Accident
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Rp was in a fender bender with another person - they exchanged information and
   other party already left . No report .
   23 - M10622 Warrant Arrest
   Incident Address: 
   W PULLMAN RD; Winco
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Complaint of male that is intoxicated . Officers responded and arrested male on a warrant . No report .
   23 - M10623 Vehicle Fire
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Male set something on fire outside . Officer responded , no report .
   23 - M10625 Suicidal Person
   Incident Address: 
   800 blk E 7TH ST
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   RP advised cousin is feeling suicidal . Officer responded , no report .
   23 - M10626 Malicious Mischief 
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Complaint of 3 males who trashed bathroom . RP is wanting them all trespassed .  
   No report .
   23 - M10627 Controlled Substance Problem
   Incident Address: 
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Officer arrested male for drugs . Report taken .
   23 - M10628 Noise Complaint
   Incident Address: 
   1000 blk W A ST
   MOSCOW ID 83843
   Time Reported: 
   Cad Comments:
   Rp ears loud music and lots of banging around and movement , and happens most
   Fridays and Saturdays . Officers responded . No report .


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Press release information :
Direct link to press release: Click here .

Keywords and search queries from search engines related to the press release :
report . Comments . Reported . Disposition . 83843 . Address . Incident . Complaint . Noise . Moscow .
Communications . documentation . Disposition . allegations . information . intoxicated . Harassment . management . Controlled . WASHINGTON .
report ; Comments ; Reported ; Disposition ; 83843 ; Address ; Incident ; Complaint ; Noise ; Moscow ;
Communications ; documentation ; Disposition ; allegations ; information ; intoxicated ; Harassment ; management ; Controlled ; WASHINGTON ;
Moscow Noise Complaint Incident Address 83843 Disposition Reported Comments report
WASHINGTON Controlled management Harassment intoxicated information allegations Disposition documentation Communications

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Local news- Press Release

Moscow Idaho : MPD Press Log 11 29 2023

Moscow , state Idaho

23 - M10612 Animal Noise Complaint Incident Address:  500 blk NORTHWOOD DR MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition:  ACT Time Reported:  08:25 Cad Comments: Ongoing issue with neighbor ' s dog barking . MPD responded , clear . [ . . . ]

Local news- Press Release

Moscow Idaho : Police Officer

Moscow , state Idaho

Qualified applicants must be 21 years old , have a high school diploma or equivalent and able to pass the Idaho POST physical agility standard . Candidates must embrace the concept of community policing and perform a variety of specialized duties as assigned . [ . . . ]

Local news- Press Release

Moscow Idaho : MPD Press Log 01 04 2024

Moscow , state Idaho

24 - M00062 Citizen Assist Incident Address:  S MAIN ST; GRITMAN HOSPITAL MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition:  ACT Time Reported:  00:25 Cad Comments: Female in the lobby that needs to leave , patient does not want her there . [ . . . ]

Local news- Press Release

Moscow Idaho : MPD Press Log 01 05 2024

Moscow , state Idaho

24 - M00083 Domestic Dispute Incident Address : 500 BLOCK OF QUEEN RD MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition : ACT Time Reported: 01:10  Cad Comments:  Parties are reportedly yelling and arguing with each other . [ . . . ]

Local news- Press Release

Moscow Idaho : MPD Press Log 01 04 2024

Moscow , state Idaho

24 - M00062 Citizen Assist Incident Address:  S MAIN ST; GRITMAN HOSPITAL MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition:  ACT Time Reported:  00:25 Cad Comments: Female in the lobby that needs to leave , patient does not want her there . [ . . . ]

report . Comments . Reported . Disposition . 83843 . Address . Incident . Complaint . Noise . Moscow .
Communications . documentation . Disposition . allegations . information . intoxicated . Harassment . management . Controlled . WASHINGTON .
report ; Comments ; Reported ; Disposition ; 83843 ; Address ; Incident ; Complaint ; Noise ; Moscow ;
Communications ; documentation ; Disposition ; allegations ; information ; intoxicated ; Harassment ; management ; Controlled ; WASHINGTON ;
Moscow Noise Complaint Incident Address 83843 Disposition Reported Comments report
WASHINGTON Controlled management Harassment intoxicated information allegations Disposition documentation Communications