Press Release
In National Climate Assessment NIST Offers New Insights on Community Resilience  and Adaptation

☷In National Climate Assessment NIST Offers New Insights on Community Resilience and Adaptation

National Institute of Standards and Technology
| 6| 0
   Events like floods or hurricanes can really mess up communities that are already struggling with changes in the climate . The National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) is all about helping communities adapt and become more resilient in the face of these challenges . The Fifth National Climate Assessment ( NCA5 ) is a big report that looks at how climate change is affecting the United States , and it ' s clear that communities need to start making some changes . The report provides a ton of information on how people are dealing with climate change , the risks we ' re facing , and what we can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience . This edition of the NCA is different because it includes a focus on social equity and environmental justice for the first time , and NIST experts are helping to show how communities can adapt to climate change while treating everyone fairly . The report also highlights how climate change is going to hit certain groups harder , like low - income communities and people of color . While some progress has been made in adapting to climate change , the report suggests that bigger , more transformative actions will be needed to really address the challenges ahead . Helgeson ' s work is all about community resilience in the face of climate challenges and extreme weather events . One big struggle for low - income communities is not having enough resources . It ' s not just about money , but also about having the time and mental energy to plan for resilience when basic needs aren ' t met . Businesses also face challenges when preparing for disasters . If the cost of preparation leaves them financially strained , they won ' t be ready for the next event . The COVID - 19 pandemic made researchers like Helgeson think about how resource - strapped communities and businesses handle unexpected crises . NIST is helping communities become more resilient by considering their unique structures and emphasizing equity and justice . For example , a recent study showed that eastern North Carolina is dealing with a big flooding challenge that combines rain , river , and ocean flooding . These compound events are more complicated and damaging than single floods and strain local resources . However , local emergency managers often understand their community ' s needs better than state and federal managers . This report highlights the emergence of local and community - led adaptation efforts . NIST is actively working on climate change and community resilience , including integrating climate change into planning tools and providing resources for communities to manage risks . NIST ' s contributions to the NCA5 show the importance of economic analysis and interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing climate change and community resilience . Helgeson wants this work to shed light on the challenges faced by low - income and socially vulnerable communities and how we can build a more resilient future . The NCA5 emphasizes the importance of local solutions , fair policies , and community empowerment in protecting our future in the face of climate change . If you ' re interested , you can contact Katie Palubicki at katie . palubicki@nist . gov for more information .


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In National Climate Assessment NIST Offers New Insights on Community Resilience  and Adaptation

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In National Climate Assessment NIST Offers New Insights on Community Resilience and Adaptation

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Dec 06,2023

Extreme climate events , such as a flood , can have a devastating compound effect on communities already struggling to adapt to a changing climate . Credit: Marc Bruxelle/Shutterstock A major weather event such as a hurricane or wildfire can have lastin . [ . . . ]

National Institute of Standards and Technology
change . communities . National . Climate . Assessment . Offers . Insights . Community . Resilience . Adaptation .
interdisciplinary . transformative . environmental . contributions . collaboration . communities . information . preparation . financially . researchers .
change ; communities ; National ; Climate ; Assessment ; Offers ; Insights ; Community ; Resilience ; Adaptation ;
interdisciplinary ; transformative ; environmental ; contributions ; collaboration ; communities ; information ; preparation ; financially ; researchers ;
Adaptation Resilience Community Insights Offers Assessment Climate National communities change
researchers financially preparation information communities collaboration contributions environmental transformative interdisciplinary