Local news- Press Release
 Highlands Ranch Metro District Colorado - Haze coyotes  to minimize conflicts  09 January 2024 ( news )

Highlands Ranch Metro District Colorado - Haze coyotes to minimize conflicts 09 January 2024 ( news )

Highlands Ranch Metro District , state Colorado
| 6| 2
   Coyote sightings are common in Highlands Ranch , and this is especially true this time of year when less vegetation and snowy open spaces make them easier to spot .
   Our park rangers sometimes hear from residents who are confused if they see coyotes during the day or near well - frequented trails . According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife , coyotes have adjusted very well to human - disturbed environments and now thrive in close proximity to people . Those who have grown up near populated areas tend to be less fearful of people .
   What should you do if you see a coyote on your property , or if one approaches too closely? You can help your local wildlife and your neighborhood by hazing coyotes to help prevent them from becoming habituated to people . Hazing methods can include:
   yelling and clapping
   banging pots and pans together
   throwing rocks , sticks or snowballs in the animal’s direction
   spraying with garden hoses , water guns and sprinklers
   using noise making devices , such as a whistle or air horn
   using deterrent sprays
   motion sensor lights
   The goal of hazing is not to harm the coyote , but to make it feel uncomfortable and wary of humans .
   Find more information about preventing conflicts with coyotes at our online
   Open Space Information Center


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Press release information :
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Highlands Ranch Metro District
Local news- Press Release

Highlands Ranch Metro District Colorado : Haze coyotes to minimize conflicts

Highlands Ranch Metro District , state Colorado

  Coyote sightings are common in Highlands Ranch , and this is especially true this time of year when less vegetation and snowy open spaces make them easier to spot . Our park rangers sometimes hear from residents who are confused if they see coyotes during the day or near well - frequented trails . [ . . . ]

coyotes . Colorado . Ranch . Highlands . Metro . District . minimize . conflicts . January . Coyote .
uncomfortable . environments . neighborhood . information . especially . vegetation . frequented . approaches . habituated . sprinklers .
coyotes ; Colorado ; Ranch ; Highlands ; Metro ; District ; minimize ; conflicts ; January ; Coyote ;
uncomfortable ; environments ; neighborhood ; information ; especially ; vegetation ; frequented ; approaches ; habituated ; sprinklers ;
Coyote January conflicts minimize District Metro Highlands Ranch Colorado coyotes
sprinklers habituated approaches frequented vegetation especially information neighborhood environments uncomfortable