Local news- Press Release
 Shelby County Tennessee - Be Prepared for an Earthquake  13 December 2023 ( news )

Shelby County Tennessee - Be Prepared for an Earthquake 13 December 2023 ( news )

Shelby County , state Tennessee
| 6| 1
   An earthquake is a sudden , rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks deep underneath the earth’s surface . Earthquakes can cause fires , tsunamis , landslides or avalanches . While they can happen anywhere without warning , areas at higher risk for earthquakes include Alaska , California , Hawaii , Oregon , Puerto Rico , Washington and the entire Mississippi River Valley .
   If an Earthquake happens , protect yourself right away:
   Drop ( To the ground )
   Cover ( Your head with your hands and get under sturdy furniture )
   Hold On ( To the furniture covering you )
   For alternative Drop , Cover , and Hold On variations for Cane , Walker or Wheelchair click here! ( PNG )
   Para variaciones alternativas de agacharse , cubrirse y sujetarse para bastón , andador o silla de ruedas , haga clic aquí . ( PNG )
   For other translations please visit www . earthquakecountry . org/accessibility/
   Other tips:
   If in a vehicle , pull over and stop ( be aware of your surroundings and things that may fall )
   If in bed , stay there
   If outdoors , stay outdoors
   Do not get in a doorway
   Do not run outside
   When an earthquake threatens:
   Prepare Now:
   Secure items such as televisions and objects that hang on walls .
   Practice drop , cover , and hold on .
   Create a family emergency communication plan .
   Make a supply kit that includes enough food and water for at least three ( 3 ) days , a flashlight , a fire extinguisher , and a whistle .
   Consider earthquake insurance policies .
   Consider a retrofit of your building if it has structural issues .
   Survive During:
   Drop , Cover , and Hold On like you practiced .
   If in bed , stay there and cover your head and neck with a pillow .
   If inside , stay there until shaking stops . DO NOT run outside!
   If in a vehicle , stop in a clear area that is away from buildings , trees , overpasses , underpasses , or utility wires .
   If you are in a high - rise building , expect fire alarms and sprinklers to go off . DO NOT use the elevator .
   If near slopes , cliffs , or mountains , be alert for falling rocks and landslides .
   Be Safe After:
   Expect aftershocks to follow the largest shock of an earthquake sequence .
   Check yourself for injury .
   In in a damaged building , go outside and quickly move away from the building .
   Do not enter damaged buildings .
   If you are trapped , send a text or bang on a pipe or wall . Cover your mouth for protection and instead of shouting , use a whistle .
   If you are in an area that may experience tsunamis , go inland or to higher ground immediately after the shaking stops .
   Save phone calls for emergencies .
   Wear sturdy shoes and work gloves .
   For further information and tips for earthquake safety at home Click Here!
   For more information , please visit our partners:
   Ready . gov
   Shakeout . org
   Central US Earthquake Consortium ( CUSEC )
   University of Memphis - Center for Earthquake Research and Information ( CERI )
   USGS . gov
   American Red Cross
   Earthquake Country Alliance ( ECA )


* May be useful for visually impaired persons .

Press release information :
Direct link to press release: Click here .

Keywords and search queries from search engines related to the press release :
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earthquakecountry . accessibility . communication . alternativas . translations . surroundings . extinguisher . Earthquakes . Mississippi . alternative .
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earthquakecountry ; accessibility ; communication ; alternativas ; translations ; surroundings ; extinguisher ; Earthquakes ; Mississippi ; alternative ;
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Shelby County
Local news- Press Release

Shelby County Tennessee : Be Prepared for an Earthquake

Shelby County , state Tennessee

An earthquake is a sudden , rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks deep underneath the earth’s surface . Earthquakes can cause fires , tsunamis , landslides or avalanches . While they can happen anywhere without warning , areas at higher risk for earthquakes include Alaska , California , Hawaii , Oregon , Puerto Rico , Washington and the entire Mississippi River Valley . [ . . . ]

building . Earthquake . Prepared . Tennessee . County . Shelby . December . sudden . rapid . shaking .
earthquakecountry . accessibility . communication . alternativas . translations . surroundings . extinguisher . Earthquakes . Mississippi . alternative .
building ; Earthquake ; Prepared ; Tennessee ; County ; Shelby ; December ; sudden ; rapid ; shaking ;
earthquakecountry ; accessibility ; communication ; alternativas ; translations ; surroundings ; extinguisher ; Earthquakes ; Mississippi ; alternative ;
shaking rapid sudden December Shelby County Tennessee Prepared Earthquake building
alternative Mississippi Earthquakes extinguisher surroundings translations alternativas communication accessibility earthquakecountry