Who is Pusey, Sarah(Sarah Pusey) ? Pusey, Sarah(Sarah Pusey) is Administrative Secretary with the Prosecution department at Lebanon , state of New Hampshire

Who is Pusey, Sarah(Sarah Pusey) ? Pusey, Sarah ( Sarah Pusey )
Administrative Secretary

Prosecution | Lebanon
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   Pusey, Sarah(Sarah Pusey) is Administrative Secretary with the Prosecution department at Lebanon , state of New Hampshire .
Contact information: Phone 603-442-1255 Email : Click here to show .

Information from:

Department address (workplace address): 36 Poverty Lane,Lebanon, NH 03766 .
Department public link:


Pusey, Sarah colleagues (same department) :
-Leduc, Benjamin ( Benjamin Leduc ) ( Prosecuting Attorney ) ;

Lebanon employee information per departments :
- Lebanon Municipal Airport( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Clerk and Tax Collector( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- City Council( 9 recorded employees ) ;
- City Manager s Office( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Cyber Services( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Finance Department( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Utilities Billing Office( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire Department( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Emergency Management( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire Station 1( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire Station 2( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Human Resources( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Human Services( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Planning & Development( 10 recorded employees ) ;
- Police Department( 42 recorded employees ) ;
- Communications( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- Detective Bureau( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Maintenance( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Operations Support Bureau( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Patrol Bureau( 24 recorded employees ) ;
- Professional Standards Bureau( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Prosecution( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Records Office( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Public Works Department( 16 recorded employees ) ;
- Engineering( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Maintenance( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Wastewater Plant( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Water Treatment Plant( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Solid Waste Facility( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Recreation, Arts, & Parks( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- Lebanon Memorial Pool( 0 recorded employees )

Information from:
Direct link: Click here .

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