Who is Pfeifer, Marc(Marc Pfeifer) ? Pfeifer, Marc(Marc Pfeifer) is Superintendent of Highways with the Highway department at Poughkeepsie Town , state of New York

Who is Pfeifer, Marc(Marc Pfeifer) ? Pfeifer, Marc ( Marc Pfeifer )
Superintendent of Highways

Highway | Poughkeepsie Town
28 | 2
   Pfeifer, Marc(Marc Pfeifer) is Superintendent of Highways with the Highway department at Poughkeepsie Town , state of New York .
Contact information: Email : Click here to show .

Information from:

Department address (workplace address): 8 Burnett Boulevard,Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 .
Department public link:

Monday through Friday 7 am to 3 pm

Pfeifer, Marc colleagues (same department) :
-Simon, Mike ( Mike Simon ) ( ) ;
-Simmons, Lisa ( Lisa Simmons ) ( ) ;
-Tancredi, Diane ( Diane Tancredi ) ( ) ;

Poughkeepsie Town employee information per departments :
- Committees( 18 recorded employees ) ;
- Comprehensive Plan Review( 9 recorded employees ) ;
- Conservation Advisory Commission( 5 recorded employees ) ;
- Animal Control( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Assessing( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Auto Center( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Building( 5 recorded employees ) ;
- Deputy Building Inspectors( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Clerk( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Comptroller( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Courts( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Engineering( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Highway( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Historian( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- Human Resources( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Legal( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Personnel( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Planning( 12 recorded employees ) ;
- Police( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Receiver of Taxes( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Recreation( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Sewer( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Supervisor( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Town Board( 7 recorded employees ) ;
- Water( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Webmaster( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Zoning( 11 recorded employees )

Information from:
Direct link: Click here .

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