Who is Cruff, Linda(Linda Cruff) ? Cruff, Linda(Linda Cruff) is Administrative Secretary with the Administration department at Newington , state of Connecticut

Who is Cruff, Linda(Linda Cruff) ? Cruff, Linda ( Linda Cruff )
Administrative Secretary

Administration | Newington
9 | 2
   Cruff, Linda(Linda Cruff) is Administrative Secretary with the Administration department at Newington , state of Connecticut .
Contact information: Phone 860-594-6201 Email : Click here to show .

Information from:

Department address (workplace address): .
Department public link:

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday CLOSED Holiday Closings -->

Cruff, Linda colleagues (same department) :
-Reed, Dan ( Dan Reed ) ( Administration Assistant ) ;
-Ficocelli, Maryann ( Maryann Ficocelli ) ( Detective Division Clerk ) ;

Newington employee information per departments :
- Assessor s Office( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Building Department( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Engineering( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Facilities Maintenance( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Finance( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire Department( 16 recorded employees ) ;
- Fire Marshal s Office( 7 recorded employees ) ;
- Highway Department( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Landfill( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Human Services( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- Information Technology( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Library( 10 recorded employees ) ;
- Recording of Library Hours( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Children s Services( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Administration( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Interlibrary Loan( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Mayor & Town Council( 9 recorded employees ) ;
- Parks & Recreation( 10 recorded employees ) ;
- West Meadow Cemetery( 1 recorded employees ) ;
- Police Department( 12 recorded employees ) ;
- Records( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Support Services( 6 recorded employees ) ;
- Administration( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Registrar of Voters( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Republican( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Revenue Collector( 2 recorded employees ) ;
- Senior & Disabled Center( 10 recorded employees ) ;
- Town Clerk( 3 recorded employees ) ;
- Town Hall( 0 recorded employees ) ;
- Town Manager( 4 recorded employees ) ;
- Town Planner( 3 recorded employees )

Information from:
Direct link: Click here .

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